Blogging here now

I've made an executive decision to discontinue my MySpace blog and move over here. Hopefully y'all will keep commenting and such on my disjointed thoughts.

I've been struggling with what to put in my blog. For a long time it was my vehicle for expressing my grief over Kenneth. I still grieve, but I'm to the point now where I have more good days than bad. Moreover, I now have a reason to move forward with life rather than constantly looking back to death: my second blessing, Grant.

I'm constantly amazed by him. I'm sure most moms feel the same way about their children, but it doesn't stop me from feeling awed at the gift I've been given. I am responsible for shaping a little life. If I stop to think about it too much, it's almost overwhelming. My parenting choices will help to mold him into the man he's going to be. I find myself praying a lot while I nurse him in the evening before bed. I pray that I'll be able to be a good mother to him, that I can teach him right from wrong and help him to be a good man. I find myself praying that his life will be easier than mine has been, that I can keep him safe from the bad things in this world.

I hope that God is listening to those prayers more than He listened to my prayers for Kenneth.

In any case, any blogging suggestions would be welcome.

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