I've had writer's block for a little bit now. Maybe it's the fact that we're moving in less than two weeks and that I went back to work, so things are just a wee bit crazy around here. Maybe it's because I just don't have anything interesting to say. Who knows. Anyway, this is my attempt to get past my writer's block and put up a blog.
We'll start with the cutest member of my household. Grant is saying "mama", "dada", and "whoa" for sure. We're not positive, but we think that "goodbye" is also on the list. He's mastered the art of furniture creeping and has started letting go with one or both hands. I'm thinking he's going to be walking in the next few weeks or so. He's 9 months old, which means his first birthday is coming up very soon. I'm thinking we might do dragons as his party theme, just because my sister-in-law is awesome at cake decorating and a dragon cake would be really cool. For the time being, though, he's been going around the house making this face and blowing raspberries:
Work is okay. My principal leans towards the micro-managing side of things, but she tries hard to be reasonable, so no real complaints there. The advantage to being at this school for my 5th year is that most of the kids know me pretty well and know my expectations. It also means that I've gotten most of them to trust me, which means that I can now plan more interesting activities because I can usually get the kids to buy in to what I'm doing. We've gotten all sorts of cool technology toys to play with, so that makes life easier on a lot of things.
The major downside to working in an elementary school, especially one that is housed in a 50 year old building, is that you work in a germ factory. I try to keep my hands clean and use hand sanitizer often, but little kids are wonderful for doing things like sneezing directly in your face or picking their noses before coming up to give you a hug. We just finished up the first week, and I already have an ear full of fluid, a sore throat, and a baby with croup. Yippee! Croup is usually viral, so Grant has to stay home from the sitter on Monday. Jacob and I haven't decided yet which one of us will be taking off of work to be home with him, but I'm thinking it'll be Jacob. I'm already going to have to take several days off for house stuff, so Jacob wins the extra day off this time around.
As usual, I miss Kenneth like crazy. I packed up the plaster casts of his hands and feet last week and lost it for a few hours afterwards. It's funny how little things will come out of the blue and slap you with grief. I never would have thought I'd still have bad days like that this far out from April of '07, but I guess I learn new things every day. I find myself wishing that he were here for me to chase after and be exasperated with, since he'd be two now. I guess at every stage of what should have been his life, I'll have those moments.
I feel like an lunatic for saying this, but I'm already starting to get baby fever again. I really don't want our kids as close together as they would be if I had another right now, though, so we wait. My sister just recently found out she's pregnant again, so I guess I'll live vicariously through her for now. Hopefully that'll stave off the baby cravings instead of exacerbating them.
Starting to have the baby bug again means I've been thinking a lot about the number of kids we'll have. We're buying this awesome 4-bedroom house with lots of space, but we're only talking about having one more baby at this point. Logically, I know that we really shouldn't take the risk of having another heart baby more than once more, but emotionally, I don't feel like I'd be "done" with just two kids at home. Maybe I'll feel differently once the next one comes along and I actually DO have two kids at home, who knows. Maybe we'll eventually adopt, but I'm honestly a bit gun shy about adoption after watching some of the things my parents have gone through as adoptive parents. I then feel guilty for feeling that way, because there are so many kids out there that need good, stable, loving homes. I guess I should just put those thoughts aside for now, since there are too many "what-ifs" to make any good decisions at this point.
I guess I managed to break my writer's block, since I just wrote a short novel instead of a blog.
We'll start with the cutest member of my household. Grant is saying "mama", "dada", and "whoa" for sure. We're not positive, but we think that "goodbye" is also on the list. He's mastered the art of furniture creeping and has started letting go with one or both hands. I'm thinking he's going to be walking in the next few weeks or so. He's 9 months old, which means his first birthday is coming up very soon. I'm thinking we might do dragons as his party theme, just because my sister-in-law is awesome at cake decorating and a dragon cake would be really cool. For the time being, though, he's been going around the house making this face and blowing raspberries:

Work is okay. My principal leans towards the micro-managing side of things, but she tries hard to be reasonable, so no real complaints there. The advantage to being at this school for my 5th year is that most of the kids know me pretty well and know my expectations. It also means that I've gotten most of them to trust me, which means that I can now plan more interesting activities because I can usually get the kids to buy in to what I'm doing. We've gotten all sorts of cool technology toys to play with, so that makes life easier on a lot of things.
The major downside to working in an elementary school, especially one that is housed in a 50 year old building, is that you work in a germ factory. I try to keep my hands clean and use hand sanitizer often, but little kids are wonderful for doing things like sneezing directly in your face or picking their noses before coming up to give you a hug. We just finished up the first week, and I already have an ear full of fluid, a sore throat, and a baby with croup. Yippee! Croup is usually viral, so Grant has to stay home from the sitter on Monday. Jacob and I haven't decided yet which one of us will be taking off of work to be home with him, but I'm thinking it'll be Jacob. I'm already going to have to take several days off for house stuff, so Jacob wins the extra day off this time around.
As usual, I miss Kenneth like crazy. I packed up the plaster casts of his hands and feet last week and lost it for a few hours afterwards. It's funny how little things will come out of the blue and slap you with grief. I never would have thought I'd still have bad days like that this far out from April of '07, but I guess I learn new things every day. I find myself wishing that he were here for me to chase after and be exasperated with, since he'd be two now. I guess at every stage of what should have been his life, I'll have those moments.
I feel like an lunatic for saying this, but I'm already starting to get baby fever again. I really don't want our kids as close together as they would be if I had another right now, though, so we wait. My sister just recently found out she's pregnant again, so I guess I'll live vicariously through her for now. Hopefully that'll stave off the baby cravings instead of exacerbating them.
Starting to have the baby bug again means I've been thinking a lot about the number of kids we'll have. We're buying this awesome 4-bedroom house with lots of space, but we're only talking about having one more baby at this point. Logically, I know that we really shouldn't take the risk of having another heart baby more than once more, but emotionally, I don't feel like I'd be "done" with just two kids at home. Maybe I'll feel differently once the next one comes along and I actually DO have two kids at home, who knows. Maybe we'll eventually adopt, but I'm honestly a bit gun shy about adoption after watching some of the things my parents have gone through as adoptive parents. I then feel guilty for feeling that way, because there are so many kids out there that need good, stable, loving homes. I guess I should just put those thoughts aside for now, since there are too many "what-ifs" to make any good decisions at this point.
I guess I managed to break my writer's block, since I just wrote a short novel instead of a blog.
August 30, 2009 at 1:33 AM
Yay for nearly walking and having vocal speach. Yay for Rachel being pregnant. Yay for the new big house, can't wait to come see it. I love the face. Ian is saying "mum mum", but it hasn't really been associated with me yet so I'm not counting it just yet. Everything is "mum mum". He gets so frustrated trying to crawl that he gives up and goes to rolling around. He has figured out how to steer by turning on his belly before he rolls. They are so cute and grow so fast. The crazy thing is how fast people start asking when you plan on having another one. I mean Ian is almost 7 months old. No thanks my body needs some time to recover. Anyway my mind wonders. Babies they can keep me talking for hours.